Recent comments from SciRate

Aram Harrow Oct 04 2013 03:18 UTC

I think that's basically right.

To be clear, they didn't do the "multiply by sqrt(2)" thing I said, but rather replaced +-1-valued observables with complex numbers. Still it does seem to miss the whole point of Bell's Theorem.

Aram Harrow Dec 31 2013 08:01 UTC

It's nice that there's a discussion of why discord is an important thing to look at. However, all of the examples are cases where the difference between zero and nonzero discord is interesting, and not examples of where *quantifying* discord (given that it is nonzero) tells us something useful.

Aram Harrow Jan 16 2014 05:05 UTC

This paper reads as though Dyakonov stopped reading the literature after the original FTQC paper by Aharonov and Ben-Or. In discussions a few months ago, I mentioned the following papers that address his criticisms:

Cedric Beny Jan 24 2013 07:46 UTC

Actually, I recklessly submitted this to a machine learning conference, with some open review system. So, we will soon see some opinion there:

Daniel Lidar Jul 09 2012 04:02 UTC

Thanks for the comment Random Reader. The assumption that H_I is bounded is in fact not necessary for any of our derivations. The bound that troubled you under Eq. (12) has been replaced in v2 of the paper with a new and tighter bound, which essentially uses only the properties of the bath correlati

Daniel Lidar Feb 04 2013 18:06 UTC

This journal lists me as a member of their editorial board; I have never been contacted by them and certainly haven't agreed to serve in this role, nor do I have any such intention. The two "Editors in Chief" have told me that the same holds for them.

Ashley Feb 05 2013 09:55 UTC

Unless I'm missing something, the editorial board information for "Quantum Information Review" now seems to have disappeared...

CS Sep 07 2012 12:47 UTC

Nice paper! Gives agood overview of what id possible and what is not with respect to bit commitment from relativistic assumptions. I guess it would be natural to reference this paper by Crepeau and Co. as well:

Random Reader Jun 21 2012 02:06 UTC

I wonder if the spin-boson bath example presented on p. 10 of this preprint is internally consistent with the proposed internally-consistent derivation. The interaction Hamiltonian H_I operator in (61) for the spin boson model is neither bounded nor is it trace class, thus the trace and operator no

Oded Dec 10 2013 14:44 UTC

You might consider citing this paper by Ambainis et al. :

Seiji Armstrong Oct 31 2013 00:48 UTC

This result is very encouraging for experimentalists dealing with CV clusters. While the various thresholds are quite high with respect to current squeezing technologies, the mere existence of a near-feasible threshold gives us something tangible to work towards.

Thanks for keeping CV clusters re

Matt May 28 2012 04:35 UTC

Testing out the comments.