Recent comments from SciRate

Hsin-Yuan Huang Mar 26 2022 17:46 UTC

Hi Jerome,

Thank you so much for the additional references! We will include these works in the next update.

Best regards,

Robert (Hsin-Yuan Huang)

Jerome Gonthier Mar 24 2022 13:14 UTC

Very interesting! Regarding Section III.G about variational quantum-classical algorithms, it could be worth mentioning grouping methods that are not directly related to randomized measurements. Indeed, these methods seem to outperform classical shadow methods in several examples. See Fig. 3 in http

Alex Meiburg Mar 23 2022 20:53 UTC

I enjoyed this paper! One question, on equation (3) and the immediately preceding definition of P_n(U), is the a_n supposed to be a_{n+1}?

Hong-Ye Hu Mar 21 2022 19:10 UTC

Hi Tom, thanks for your interest. In the second case you mentioned, it is still a $[[N=nk,k]]$ error correction code.

If one uses global Clifford group for shadow tomography, the sample complexity for predicting O scales as the rank of operator, here it would be P*O, where P is the projection op

Tom O Mar 20 2022 22:50 UTC

Really nice! One thing I'm not sure about after reading is whether the $k$ in the $4^k$ in the bound for sample complexity refers to either:

1. the $k$ in the stabiliser code definition i.e. $[n,k]$ indicates you can encode $k$ logical qubits in $n$ physical qubits.
2. The total number of logi

Kaelan Donatella Mar 11 2022 09:45 UTC


I found your work quite interesting and original in the way you change the storage of an operator. Maybe you would be interested in this somewhat similar work, that also works for weakly dissipative bosonic systems (see appendix I.5 and figure 6)


Sevag Gharibian Mar 04 2022 17:44 UTC

This was an important conversation to start, thank you for doing it.

Robin Blume-Kohout Mar 03 2022 12:27 UTC

This looks like a nice result, but it might be worth referencing the main result of "[Efficient Method for Computing the Maximum-Likelihood Quantum State from Measurements with Additive Gaussian Noise][1]" (PRL 108, 070502 (2012)). It seems closely related, albeit focused on removing the negative p

Nikolas Breuckmann Mar 03 2022 10:33 UTC

Hey Anthony, no worries! The connection is not obvious and we do not mention local testability in our paper.

Anthony Leverrier Mar 01 2022 07:57 UTC

Hi Niko.
Really sorry for that! We cited your paper when we mentioned recent constructions of good quantum LDPC codes, but it's completely true that we should have mentioned that your balanced product codes were also giving the codes of Dinur et al. We'll acknowledge that in a revision of the paper

Nikolas Breuckmann Mar 01 2022 07:50 UTC

I do not want to be *that guy*, but I would like to point out that the codes of Dinur et al. are the balanced product codes we conjectured to be good LDPC quantum codes in .
Dinur et al. point this out in a revised version of their paper

Aram Harrow Feb 22 2022 22:02 UTC

Daochen Wang pointed out that Lemma 4.3 is false. In fact, discarding registers 1 and 2 yields a mixture of |z(f(a))> for uniformly random $a\in A$

Jahan Claes Feb 22 2022 04:33 UTC

Interesting work! I was under the impression that any imaginary time evolution algorithm had to fail for some local Hamiltonians, as finding the ground state of gapped local Hamiltonians is NP complete. If you try to do the imaginary time evolution with LCU, you could see the success probability of

Henry Yuen Jan 29 2022 00:20 UTC

I also would like to point out that Gregory Rosenthal also has a paper from November that shows how to construct arbitrary n-qubit states in depth O(n) with exponentially many ancillas. (

Guojing Tian Jan 28 2022 14:54 UTC

The result of this Theorem 1 was actually a special case of a more general result in arXiv:2108.06150v2 in November of last year, where the authors showed how to achieve the optimal depth for an anbitrary number of ancillary qubits, among other results.

Filip Maciejewski Jan 28 2022 13:56 UTC

Indeed, that's what Theorem 1 states:

Theorem 1 (Arbitrary quantum state preparation). With only
single- and two-qubit gates, an arbitrary 𝑛-qubit quantum state
can be deterministically prepared with a circuit depth Θ(𝑛)
and 𝑂(𝑁) ancillary qubits.

where N = 2^n.

Aram Harrow Jan 28 2022 13:11 UTC

I haven't read the paper but the abstract says they use ancilla, presumably exponentially many in the worst case.

Martin Kliesch Jan 28 2022 10:25 UTC

Arbitrary quantum states cannot be prepared with poly sized quantum circuits in the sense of How is this compatible with these results?

Blake Stacey Jan 24 2022 20:05 UTC

Parikh and Verlinde's "De Sitter Holography with a Finite Number of States" is cited three times in the bibliography (references 38, 39 and 40 are isomorphic). In addition, reference 45 replicates reference 44.

Apropos: Does anyone know the *first* time that the Bekenstein bound was reinterpreted

Michal Oszmaniec Jan 21 2022 09:44 UTC

Thanks for clarification David! In my thinking I was "fixated" on density matrices and channels and it was harder to see this.

Craig Gidney Jan 21 2022 05:58 UTC

I have been wondering about this 2018 ( ) and finally someone did it.

Raz Firanko Jan 20 2022 14:01 UTC

Hi, nice results!

You a small typo on your proof of Theorem 17:
To minimize over P.S.D operators you need to switch to
$A=\rho^{1/4}B\rho^{1/4}$ and not $A=\rho^{1/2}B$ which is generally not positive.

Alex Meiburg Jan 19 2022 18:57 UTC

Is the Appendix currently available anywhere? :)

David Gosset Jan 19 2022 14:04 UTC

Thanks, Michal! To answer your question, say we are interested in the marginal probability for obtaining $x\in \{0,1\}^{|A|}$ when measuring a subset $A\subseteq [n]$ of the qubits in the computational basis, starting from a state $U|0^n\rangle$ where $U$ is a depth-$d$ circuit. We can write this m

Markus Heinrich Jan 19 2022 08:51 UTC

We have made another update to our paper. This is a complete rewrite with simplified proofs and extended discussions. We have added the two-qubit case as a minimal version of our main result with shorter proofs. Additionally, we now give a normal form for the Kraus representation of stabiliser opera

Michal Oszmaniec Jan 18 2022 09:03 UTC

Magnificent paper!

I have one small question. On page 3, when comparing gate-by-gate and qubit-by-qubit simulations you state that the estimated cost of computing the marginal probability is f(n,2d), where f(n,d) is the cost of computing an amplitude of depth d circuit acting on n qubits. Why is

Mankei Tsang Jan 12 2022 05:08 UTC

I received some criticisms of this work on generalized conditional expectations (GCEs), most likely from someone who has a fundamentalist attitude about the Belavkin nondemolition principle. I think there may be other people who have similar questions and it's now very difficult to travel or attend

Blake Stacey Jan 02 2022 18:06 UTC

In this connection, see also section 6 ("Decoupling of the cyclotomic field") in [SIC-POVMs from Stark units](

Shozab Qasim Dec 20 2021 18:22 UTC

It works now! :)

Ivan Savov Dec 19 2021 15:33 UTC

Here is a binder link if you want to try the notebooks: (this will launch an interactive jupyter-lab environment in the cloud)

GitHub repo is here:

Armando Angrisani Dec 14 2021 11:58 UTC

I've been informed that our information-theoretic bounds might overlap with the results presented in this paper:
I'll go through it and then update the preprint with the correct references.

On the other hand, the applications to learning theory and crypto should

Adam Bene Watts Dec 01 2021 19:19 UTC

It's definitely a universal problem, but I'm pretty sure I know what's causing it and it *should* be fixed with an update tomorrow. Thanks for spotting it!

Matt Hagan Dec 01 2021 18:44 UTC

I was able to replicate this, no pdf available for me

Shozab Qasim Dec 01 2021 08:10 UTC

I don't know if this is a universal problem, but for some reason, no PDF is generated. Here or on the arXiv.

Yang Dec 01 2021 07:20 UTC

Dear authors, the paper looks quite interesting to us. Personally, we quite believe in applying distributed learning techniques into the variational quantum algorithms. Thanks for pushing forward this idea! What a coincidence, our preprint "Accelerating variational quantum algorithms with multiple q

Mankei Tsang Nov 30 2021 17:28 UTC

In this paper, Madsen, Valdetaro, and Moelmer wrote

> in [12–14] probing of time dependent perturbations with Gaussian
> noise correlations by quantum systems restricted to Gaussian states
> was shown to closely follow the classical theory of
> Mayne-Fraser-Potter two-filter smoothers [15]. Here, w

Sevag Gharibian Nov 29 2021 12:43 UTC

Upvoted! Is this going to be a trend now, where we each post older and older theses? :-) (Kidding of course, always good to have it on the public record.)

Mankei Tsang Nov 18 2021 16:09 UTC

Thanks Hsin-Yuan Huang!

Hsin-Yuan Huang Nov 18 2021 09:24 UTC

Thank you so much for pointing out the typo in Eqs. (83)-(87)! Also, the rank condition in Eq. (78) should be replaced by "All eigenvalues of $O_i$ are $+1$ or $-1$". This is satisfied by all the explicit constructions we consider later in the section.

Now, the relation between Eq. (81) and the hyp

Changhao Yi Nov 18 2021 03:46 UTC

Thanks for pointing point.

Mankei Tsang Nov 18 2021 03:28 UTC

Interesting work! The separation between separable and entangled measurements is an old and underappreciated topic in quantum estimation theory (Gill and Massar; see also Belliardo and Giovannetti People in that area h

Pedro C.S. Costa Nov 18 2021 00:25 UTC

Dear Changhao Yi, for the purpose of solving linear systems with the quantum walk, we need to show that there is no phase error either, see our appendix G. This is because we need to keep track of two states in a superposition, and there should not be a phase factor introduced between them.

Changhao Yi Nov 17 2021 16:49 UTC

Dear authors:Thanks for mentioning our work in [27]. I think we are looking at a similar question. But our contribution is, sometimes even when ||U_T - U_T^A|| is large, in terms of fidelity, the discrete adiabatic process still works as the error can accumulate in the phase. The detail is in Sec II

Korbinian Kottmann Nov 17 2021 11:47 UTC

How can the authors deduce hope for a lack of barren plateaus from demonstrating non-vanishing gradients for 4-qubit examples? Am I missing something?

Ulysse Chabaud Nov 17 2021 08:01 UTC

Dear Alexander, thank you for your interest in our work! This is indeed a typo, there should be no restriction on the parameter a here—I will update the arXiv version shortly, thanks for spotting this. In particular, there is no restriction on the functions that may be represented by the factorizati

Alexander Penner Nov 16 2021 16:20 UTC

Dear authors,
today we talked about your work in a group meeting and stumbled across the HW factorization theorem (equation 6). We thought that there are holomorphic functions satisfying equation 5 which can not be represented in the way you proposed. Specifically, consider the function f(z) = z-

Dawei Ding Nov 09 2021 19:11 UTC

Would it make sense to just make entanglement a free resource in quantum information theory? From a quantum field theory standpoint (entanglement harvesting), one could argue this is physically motivated. This would make a lot of things more natural, such as reversibility in entanglement manipulatio

Robin Blume-Kohout Nov 09 2021 13:20 UTC

Ah -- that motivation is interesting! I've spent a lot of hours trying to do those integrals too. To me, that framing -- i.e., around understanding and demonstrating obstacles to doing the Bayesian integrals for pure-state or low-rank priors -- is more compelling than the current framing. That's

Alex Meiburg Nov 09 2021 05:34 UTC

Very true! And this is something that a couple others have also suggested, that I perhaps should make more clear in a revision. This paper was born from me initially trying to find an efficient closed-form calculation for Bayesian computations, and then determining that this was (modulo complexity a

Robin Blume-Kohout Nov 09 2021 01:27 UTC

It is worth noting that finding the MLE or Bayesian mean/MAP estimate of a d-dimensional quantum state is only hard when the candidate states are restricted to a nonconvex prior. Finding the most likely *pure* state is indeed hard for arbitrary measurement records, but the hardness goes away if you
